Podcast, Spirituality, Astrology, Astrologer Emily Panico Podcast, Spirituality, Astrology, Astrologer Emily Panico

Episode 8: Speaking It Into Existence, with Jodi Guglielmi

We Discuss:

Career- Signs- Symbols- Going after what you want- Manifesting- Speaking what you want into existence- Channeled messages- Receiving messages from loved ones- Working through loss- Dating- Dating amidst the pandemic- Using your intuition to make decisions- What happens when we go to the other side- How our passed loved ones operate on the other side- Time- Soul contracts- Soul mates- Good Morning America

There are no goodbyes- just changing frequency

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Podcast, Spirituality, Astrology, Astrologer Emily Panico Podcast, Spirituality, Astrology, Astrologer Emily Panico

Episode 7: What do Porn Stars and Mediums Have In Common? With Tori Piskin

We Discuss:

Career- Signs- Symbols- Working with Lucy Hale- Manifesting- Blocks when Manifesting- Content creation- energy behind social media- Energy behind the content you create- Working through your shadow- Messages from loved ones-Blueprints- Free will vs. Blueprints- Leaning into gut feelings

Crystals- Believing in yourself- Listening to your intuition- Winged creatures- Spirit guide messages- Building a business- Getting started with spirituality- Crystals deciding where they want to go- Casting for the Bachelor- Asking for signs- Angel numbers- Love- Aura Photography- First reading with a medium- Spiritual shirts- letting go- The Bachelor- Manifesting

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Podcast, Spirituality, Astrology, Astrologer Emily Panico Podcast, Spirituality, Astrology, Astrologer Emily Panico

Episode 06: An Aura Photo Changed My Life, With Morgan Raphael

We Discuss:

Career- Signs- Symbols- Crystals- Believing in yourself- Listening to your intuition- Winged creatures- Spirit guide messages- Building a business- Getting started with spirituality- Crystals deciding where they want to go- Casting for the Bachelor- Asking for signs- Angel numbers- Love- Aura Photography- First reading with a medium- Spiritual shirts- letting go- The Bachelor- Manifesting

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Podcast, Spirituality, Astrology, Astrologer Emily Panico Podcast, Spirituality, Astrology, Astrologer Emily Panico

Episode 04: Astrology with Modern Astrologer

We Discuss:

Astrology- Birth charts- Astrology Basics- Planets- Planet Placements- Astrological Transits- Is astrology reading the future?- Is our destiny predetermined?- Saturn Return- What is Saturn Return?- How to navigate Saturn Return- High Vibe vs low Vibe- Which signs get a bad rap- Businesses have astrological charts- Newbie astrology recommendations

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