Episode 11: Fall In Love With Yourself First |A Deep Dive To Calling In Love


The Episode:

Calling in love can be tricky. In this solo episode, we discuss how to call in love, relationships and discuss dating during the pandemic. We dive into limiting beliefs around what we think we deserve when it comes to love and relationships. What limiting beliefs are you ready to release to let love in?

Also discussed- rebirth and embracing the universal energy of new beginnings and how to harness it. We touch upon soul contracts, how they work and what it means- and why people come into our lives.

A low vibe universal energy right now? Neediness. Cindy breaks down where neediness stems from (spoiler alert- the ego) and how to let go and let high vibe energy in.

We Discuss: 

Love- dating- relationships- worthiness- limiting beliefs- soul contracts- why soul contracts end- neediness- universal energy update


Instagram: @Alitmoresco

Instagram: @RevealingSoul


Your 2024Cosmic Forecast


Episode 10: Cosmic Beings on Earth | Starseeds and Pleiadians Explained