Episode 7: What do Porn Stars and Mediums Have In Common? With Tori Piskin


The Episode:

Sit down with Ali, Cindy and Got It From My Mama podcast host, comedian Tori Piskin! Tori begins episode 8 by relating Mediums to porn stars- so you know you are in for many much needed laughs. Ali, Cindy and Tori explore Tori’s deep dive into spirituality including: blocks when manifesting, working through your shadow self and remembering the “why” behind why you set the goals you do. We also discuss our “blueprint” versus “free will” and how to differentiate between the two and harness both paths.

A very timely topic? Content creation. We discuss why some content performs better than others on social media and the energetic meaning behind it. Spoiler alert- the energy you hold while creating content drives how well it performs!

We Discuss: 

Career- Signs- Symbols- Working with Lucy Hale- Manifesting- Blocks when Manifesting- Content creation- energy behind social media- Energy behind the content you create- Working through your shadow- Messages from loved ones-Blueprints- Free will vs. Blueprints- Leaning into gut feelings


Instagram: @ToriPiskin

Check out her hilarious podcast with her mom here

Instagram: @Alitmoresco

Instagram: @RevealingSoul

Listen to Slightly Spiritual Podcast on Apple Podcasts


Episode 8: Speaking It Into Existence, with Jodi Guglielmi


Episode 06: An Aura Photo Changed My Life, With Morgan Raphael